The National Children's Literacy Website is a unique children's literacy initiative and is part of the Soho Center's National Children's Literacy Information Project - a not-for-profit
literacy initiative dedicated to advancing the literacy skills of young children, promoting literacy as an integral factor
in the growth of society, and enhancing literacy in a variety of
home and child care settings. We believe that reading is a fundamental skill needed by all, and we are proud of what we are doing to help children learn to read.


Library Tips

I d e a s   f o r   U s i n g   Y o u r   L o c a l   L i b r a r y

If you are a parent, all of these tips are for you.

If you are a child care provider and can safely take your group of children to the library
(and have their parents' permission), then all these tips are for you, too.  If safety is an issue, then carefully pick
nd choose which tips you can do and encourage the parents of children in your care to do all they can, too.

  If you don't already have a library card, apply for one so that you can check out books and magazines.  Some libraries will even let you check out toys, videos, and tapes.

  Visit the local public library with your children.  Be a good role model by checking out books you would enjoy reading.  When you get home, set aside a special time to read with your children. 

  Let your children pick out books to take home, read, and return at their next visit. Start when they're young!  Take toddlers and pre-schoolers to the library so that they can choose books to read and borrow. Keep this up when they're school-aged.

  Help your children get their own library cards.  Young children can learn to write their names and feel proud that they have their own cards to borrow books from the library. 

  Find out the days and times of special activities or story hours for children.  Mark the dates on your calendar so you will remember to attend. 

  Look for books that are age-appropriate.  Even babies and toddlers enjoy picture books, especially sturdy board books.  If you need help choosing age-appropriate books, ask a librarian to help you find just the right books! 

  Find a book on tape and a tape player that can be checked out.  Plan a special time to enjoy listening to the tape together.  If you have your own tape recorder, you can record yourself reading the library books so your children can enjoy them later.

   Try to find books about a variety of holidays and traditions that are written for children.  Find out if there are any special displays or activities planned for children each month that you could attend with your children. 

   Find a quiet corner where you and your children can look at books your children choose. 

  Stories about your children's own history or culture are also worth seeking out.  You can ask your local librarian to help you pick out books that have pictures and stories about people with the same ethnic background as your children. You can also share books about different ethnic

  Find out about your library's special books and services.


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